At last, “Attack of the Petscii Robots” is available for sale. Digital downloads will be made available immediately for all versions. Lite and Boxed copies are also shipping as of February 5th, 2021 , but are currently running about 2-3 weeks behind because of the large backlog of orders.
Petscii Robots now available for sale!

OOOO i wish i had a commodore now lol
Great game. Can’t wait to get a fixed version for the Pet… So I can play it with sound in Vice 🙂
What a brillant design, I’m enjoying it very much!
I recently bought one of the C64 Maxi computers. I don’t have a real 64 or vic 20. Does the game work on that, in both 64 and Vic modes?
I apologize if I misunderstood your comment about the future update to the PET version. But, I purchased the digital version and noticed there was no current copy of the PET version, just C64 and VIC20. You mentioned a future release of an update, but I got the impression that a current version of the PET version would be included. Is there supposed to be a PET version with this release? If so, I did not get it.
Thank you.
The PET version is on the same disk image with the VIC-20 version.
Hi 8bit guy do you ship to india
Typically, no.
Very happy to add this to my full collection of 8-bit Guy Box games. Your products are so professionally done, love them. Question; Do you have any rough guesses on how long the back orders are going to take?
The boxed copies will start shipping before the end of January 2021. (as in, just a few days from now) But it may take until the end of February to fulfil all of the backorders.
I am trying to toggle The pet version with F5, not sure if i am doing something wrong. But I Can’t get to the pet version.
I have c64robots.d64
and vicrobots.d64
These are the only d64 images I Have .
Am I missing something ?
My guess is you are running the graphical version of the game. PET mode only works on the PETSCII version of the game called “C64PETSCII” which is on the same disk.
OMG Thanks so much David, yes you are right I wasn’t loading the “C64PETSCII”
I got it thanks again
the game is awesome!!!
Can it run on THEC64 by retrogames? That’d be awsome 😀 Got one for my birthday
Yes it should run just fine with keyboard controls. However, there are some extra steps you need to take to get any sort of game controller to work, which is beyond the scope of what I can cover here.
Any plans for a Plus/4 version (even if it’s just the code)?
I might do a quick PETSCII-only version like I did for the X16. That wouldn’t take that long. The plus/4 really deserves a better port, though, with the full graphics and a custom musical track. But I just don’t think the audience is going to be big enough for me to divert my time on it.
Got the game today, and I must say, it is absolutely smashing! I have already spent a considerable time and is definitely an excellent game! Simple but understandable controls, and it all blends together very well indeed!
This is just brilliant. The C128 game I have been waitting since 1987. It is 4.35am here and couldn’t wait a minute. Just got it the minute I show it. Now, next step is to see Plant X for C128 :p
Great Job again
Hi David,
I understand the 128 version has the live map monitor but does it have 12 maps or just 10?
Does the Amiga version have a live map available and does it have 12 maps or just 10?
I have the 64 version already, but am looking at the 128 or Amiga and trying to decide.
Thank you…
Actually, both the Amiga and C128 versions now have 14 maps with the latest updates. And both have live maps. However, the Amiga is not dual-monitor. You have to press the TAB key to alternate between full map and the regular game screen.
Will the amiga version work with a500 mini? I attempted to use emulator but all I got was a face 😂
It does work, but requires modifying an XML file. The original version worked out of the box, but the updated version that is now in the store needs this change. I’m working with retro-games to correct this for the future.
Thanks, As for emulation i got it working with Amiga Forever but cant wait to try it on the mini, but soon i receive it ill give it a try, thanks for reply
Just found this game that looks very similar to petscii robots was published by compute magazine. DId you ever play this game.. Link is on game base…
It is also on the feb/mar compute gazette disk only. It was not published in the magazine. Compute Gazette disk is 1992-02.d64
It was written by Danny English
Just wanted to let you know.. if you had not be told this already.
Love your work..